Note: the schedule grid is best viewed in landscape orientation on mobile devices and may require zooming to get entire grid visible.
Sessions in red text are eligible for continuing education credits.
For a printable agenda, please click here.

8:00am-12:00pm Pre-Conference Workshop: "Narrative Neuropalliative Care: Workshop in Writing and Reading Skills in Clinical Care" Jocelyn Jiao Library
Pre-Conference Workshop: "Palliative Care for ALS: Charting a Path Forward" Kara Bischoff
Ambereen Mehta
Willow West
Pre-Conference Workshop: "From Surviving to Thriving: The Role of Rehabilitation Specialists in Neuropalliative Care" Sandhya Seshadri Willow East
Working Group: Non-Profit Organizations and Neuropalliative Care Benzi Kluger Board Room
12:00-1:00pm Lunch Board Room
1:00-5:00pm Working Group: Defining a Neuropalliative Care Fellowship Track Paul Vermilion
Jessica Besbris
Board Room
Pre-Conference Workshop: Mastering the 5 Pillars of Neuropalliative Care for Parkinson's and Related Conditions Benzi Kluger
Christina Vaughan
Willow East
Pre-Conference Workshop: Spiritual Care George Fitchett
Dirk Labuschagne
Sue Ouellette
Working Group: Patient/Family Advocacy Malenna Sumrall
Jennifer Corcoran
Willow West
5:00-7:00pm INPCS24 Welcome Reception Fireside Room

Note: the schedule grid is best viewed in landscape orientation on mobile devices and may require zooming to get entire grid visible.
Sessions in red text are eligible for continuing education credits.
For a printable agenda, please click here.

7:30-8:30am Breakfast On Own Hotel Lobby
Optional Breakfast Symposium - Presented by Neurelis
"Rapid, Reliable, and Ready Seizure Rescue for Episodes of Frequent Seizures"
Hot breakfast provided
Rohit Marawar, MD, FAES
Wayne State University
School of Medicine
Department of Neurology
INPCS Membership Committee Meet and Greet Library
8:30-9:00am Welcome/Opening & President's Address Benzi Kluger Great Hall
9:00-9:30am Neuropalliative Care Advocates of the Year Award Presentation to Malenna Sumrall and Kirk Hall
"Advocating for Advocacy: The Evolution and Future of Neuropalliative Care Advocacy"
In this talk, Malenna and Kirk will briefly describe their individual and shared journeys as advocates, what they’ve learned, how they’ve benefitted, and why they keep doing what they do. They will talk about where INPCS is now in terms of advocates, and then talk about where they see advocacy headed in the future, along with their recommendations.
Malenna Sumrall
Kirk Hall
Great Hall
9:30-9:45am Break Fireside Room
9:45-10:45am "Grief Connects Us: Integrating Palliative Care Principles into Neurosurgery"
While practicing as a neurosurgeon, I came to appreciate how profoundly disruptive illness and death can be (and how I fell short as a physician and human being), through my sister Victoria's diagnosis with AML, bone marrow transplant and death, followed by her husband Pat's death from a ruptured cerebral aneurysm, orphaning their two sons. I wrote Grief Connects Us: A Neurosurgeon's Lessons on Love, Loss, and Compassion, then trained in Palliative Care (PCEP). In collaboration with Palliative Care colleagues, we have developed a communication training program for neurosurgeons based on Vital Talk and are working towards integrating Palliative Care into Neurosurgery. We performed the first-ever course on Palliative Care for neurosurgeons at AANS in Chicago this May. I am working to create a section of INPCS for neurosurgeons. Through grief, I have found purpose and community.  I hope to be the change I want to see.
Jody Stern Great Hall
10:45-11:00am Break Fireside Room
11:00-11:30am State of the Science: NeuroCARES 2024 Claire Creutzfeldt Great Hall
11:00am-12:00pm Outstanding Scientific Contribution Award
Presentation to Lesli Skolarus
"Preferences and Advance Care Planning Among People Who Have Had a Stroke"
Lesli Skolarus Great Hall
12:00-1:00pm Lunch Fireside Room
Optional Lunch Symposium - Presented by Acadia Pharmaceuticals Inc.
"The First-Line Prescription Treatment for Hallucinations and Delusions Associated With Parkinson's Disease Psychosis"
Hot lunch provided
Angela Hardwick, MD Willow
1:00-2:00pm Poster & Exhibit Hall Time Fireside Room
2:00-3:00pm Panel - Coastal Mitigation: Preserving Personhood in ALS Through an Interprofessional Approach
This session will focus on the role of the interdisciplinary team within an ALS clinic.  Through a shared patient experience and an expert panel, we will discuss ways to support patients and families within clinic visits, but also in the community through local grassroots efforts.
Joel Phillips, Moderator
Margaret Szarowicz
Andréa Vugteveen
Katie Dabkowski
Mindy Emerson
Sarah Perks
Cathy Chalmers
Great Hall
3:00-3:15pm Break Fireside Room
3:15-4:15pm INPCS Lifetime Achievement Award
Presentation to Roop Gursahani
"Advocacy and Neuropalliative Care: From Aruna's Story to Mine"
Advocacy is a significant part of neuropalliative care and needs training and orientation. Opportunities are often serendipitous. I speak of my own experience in working for advance care planning, end of life care and neuropalliative training in India.
Roop Gursahani Great Hall
4:15-4:30pm Break Fireside Room
4:30-5:30pm “Social Determinants of Health in Neuropalliative Care”
This session will explore the impact of social determinants of health on individuals with neurological disorders and their families. Attendees will gain insights into the key social determinants that significantly influence neuropalliative care patient and family experiences and outcomes, with a focus on health inequalities and disparities. Through the presentation of case studies and examples, the session will highlight the urgent need for a comprehensive approach to patient and family care that addresses social factors.
Karla Washington Great Hall


Note: the schedule grid is best viewed in landscape orientation on mobile devices and may require zooming to get entire grid visible.
Sessions in red text are eligible for continuing education credits.

For a printable agenda, please click here.

7:30-8:30am Breakfast on own Hotel Lobby
INPCS Research Committee Meet & Greet Willow East
INPCS Strategic Communications Committee Meet & Greet Willow West
INPCS Education Committee Meet & Greet Library
8:30-9:00am Live Poster Showcase Jennifer Corcoran
Joshua Davis
Arden O'Donnell
Great Hall
9:00-9:30am Tara Cook Award for Innovation in Neuropalliative Education Presentation to Piret Paal
"Cultivating Excellence in Palliative Care Education and Training"
This presentation addresses various local and national challenges in palliative care education, emphasizing the importance of establishing a strong foundation for both academic and clinical training. Highlighting recent projects that exemplify excellence in collaborative research, Piret will discuss how these initiatives drive progress in palliative care education and training worldwide. The focus will be on the lessons learned from these efforts.
Piret Paal Great Hall
9:30-9:45am Break Fireside Room
9:45-10:45am "Spirituality in Serious Neurologic Illness"
In July 2022 JAMA published a systematic review of over 300 high-quality articles about religion/spirituality and serious illness (Balboni et al., 2022). Based on this review a panel of experts recommended that healthcare organizations routinely incorporate spiritual care into the medical care of patients with serious illness. In this presentation Dr. Fitchett will review some of the research that contributed to this and other recommendations and discuss their implications for our care of patients with serious illness and their loved ones.
George Fitchett Great Hall
10:45-11:00am Break Fireside Room
11:00am-12:00pm "Goals and Preferences for Life-Sustaining Treatments Across the Illness Journey"
This session is an overview of the complexities that affect decisions regarding life sustaining therapies in neurologic illness. We will examine factors that influence decisions and how these factors may vary in different illness trajectories.
Farrah Daly
Christina Faull
Great Hall
12:00-1:00pm Lunch
INPCS Business Meeting & Town Hall
Great Hall
1:00-2:00pm Poster & Exhibit Hall Time Fireside Room
2:00-3:00pm "Caregiver Assessment and Support in Neurologic Illness"
This presentation will cover the complex care experience for family caregivers using statewide data from the CA Caregiver Resource Centers (CRC), a service system for adults with dementia, stroke, Parkinson's, head injury and related cognitive disorders. Information presented include caregiver characteristics, diverse populations, services provided, outcomes for caregivers and promising policy changes for inclusion of family caregivers within health care pilot projects and CPT codes for services for this population.
Kathleen Kelly
Christina Irving
Great Hall
3:00-3:15pm Break Fireside Room
3:15-4:15pm "A Palliative Care Approach to Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Dementia"
In this talk Dr. Kluger will provide an overview of a palliative care approach to neuropsychiatric symptoms seen across a wide-range of neurologic disorders including psychosis, agitation, and apathy. Core aspects of this approach that will be covered include being systematic in screening for symptoms, being explicit and compassionate in talking about symptoms, prioritizing safety for patients and family, starting with behavioral approaches, and medication management.
Benzi Kluger Great Hall
4:15-4:30pm Closing Remarks: Conference Retrospective
Prize Giveaway
INPCS25 Reveal
Heather Leeper Great Hall